Почетна > Наука > Проекти > Development of Algebra in Republic of Macedonia, 1950-2007 > Papers 1981-1990
Development of Algebra in Republic of Macedonia, 1950-2007
Papers 1981-1990
Janeva B., Some properties of presentations of groups with one defining relator, Год. збор. Матем.фак, 32, (1981), 59-62
Kalajdžievski S., Subalgebras of distributive and commutative semigroups, Год. збор. Матем.фак, 32, (1981), 53-57
Markovski S., n-Subgroupoids of cancellative groupoids, Год. збор. Матем.фак, 32, (1981), 45-51
Čupona G., Stojakoviċ Z., Ušan J., On finite multiquasigroups, Publications de l'Institute Mathematique, Nouvelle serie, tome 29 (43), (1981), 53-59
Čupona G., Crvenkoviċ S., Vojvodiċ G., Subalgebras of commutative semigroups satisfying the law xr = xr+m, Zbor. rad. PMF Novi Sad, Vol. 11, (1981), 217-230
Čupona G., n-Subsemigroups of some commutative semigroups, Год. збор. Матем.фак, 32, (1981), 32-36
Janeva B., Word problem for n-groups, Proceed. of the symposium n-ary structures, Skopje (1982), 157-159
Kalajdžievski S., Subalgebras of distributive semigroups, Proceed. of the symposium n-ary structures, Skopje (1982), 223-228
Kržovski P., The maximal semilattice decomposition of an n-semigroup, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad; 1981 (1982), 27-32
Kržovski P., On commutative n-semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 141-148
Markovski S., n-subsemigroups of cancellative semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 149-156
Trpenovski B., Commutative semigroups with n-property, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 117-124
Trpenovski B., Semigroups with n-properties, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981; (1982), 7-12
Celakoski N.: Compatible subassociatives, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981; (1982), 107-111
Čupona G., Markovski S., Polynomial subalgebras, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981; (1982), 1-6
Čupona G., Vojvodić G., Crvenković S., Subalgebras of Abelian Torsion Groups, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981;(1982), 141-148
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Representations of unary algebras in unars, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, III 2 (1982), 7-12
Чупона Ѓ., Проширувања на алгебарски структури, Пристапни предавања, MANU, Skopje, 1982, 249-277
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Samardziski A.: Post theorems for unary algebras, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 71-84
Čupona G., Crvenković S., Vojvodić G., Representations of semigroups of operations in semigroups of left translations, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 209-222
Bogdanović S., Kržovski P., Protić P., Trpenovski B., Bi- and quasi-ideal semigroups with n-property, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 27-34
Dimovski D., Some existence conditions for vector valued groups, God. zbor. Mat. fak. Skopje, 33-34 (1982-83), 99-103
Kalajdžievski S.: Embedding of algebras in distributive semigroups, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 77-83
Kalajdžievski S.: Embedding unoids in semigroups belonging to some regular varieties of semigroups, God. zbor. Mat. fak. Skopje, 33-34 (1982-83), 77-83
Markovski S.: n-subsemigroups of semigroups with neutral properties, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 99-102
Markovski S., n-subgroupoids of commutative groupoids, Prilozi MANU -Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, IV/1 (1983), 95-99
Ušan J., Stojmenovski K.: On a quasi-identity in n-ary quasigroups, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 155-157
Čupona G., A set of semigroup n-varieties, Proc. Third Algebraic Conference Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 59-66
Čupona G., Markovski S, Janeva B., The problem of solvability of polylinear representations of universal algebras in semigroups, God. zbor. Mat. fak. Skopje, 33-34 (1982-83), 63-68 Also: Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 65-70
Čupona G., On semigroups of operations, Prilozi MANU: Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, IV 1 (1983), 43-47
Čupona G.: Vector valued semigroups, Semigroup forum, Vol. 26 (1983), 65-74
Kalajdžievski S., Some proper quasivarieties of subalgebras of semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 171-175
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Embeddings of associatives in semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 71-78
Čupona., Markovski S., Crvenković S., Vojvodić G., Subalgebras of cancellative semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 49-64
Čupona G., Markovski S, Janeva B., The problem of solvability of polylinear representations of universal algebras in semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 65-70
Dimovski D., Examples of vector valued groups, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, VI 2 (1985), 105-114
Janeva B., Some connections between finite separability property of an n-semigroup and its universal covering, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, (1985), 63-67
Kržovski P., Semilattices of simple n-semigroups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, (1985), 83-88
Celakoski N., Ilić S., A note on invariant n-subgroups of n-groups, Proc. of the Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, (1985), 21-27
Čupona G., Dimovski D., On a class of vector valued groups, Proc. of the Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1985, 29-37
Čupona G., Markovski S., Cohn-Rebane Theorem for vector valued algebras, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, VI 2 (1985), 143-149
Целакоски Н., Чупона Ѓ., Векторско вредносни алгебарски структури, 5. Konferencija "Algebra i Logika" (Zbornik rezimea pregledno predavanje), Cetinje 12-14 jun 1986, str. 2-7
Čupona G., Markovski S., Vector valued subgroupoids of semigroups, Prilozi MANU - Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, VII 2 (1986), 5-12
Dimovski D.: Free vector valued semigroups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 55-62
Dimovski D., On (3, 2)-groups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), p. 63-71
Kržovski P., Some chracterizations of n-bands, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 107-114
Trenčevski K., A note on non-existence for some classes of continuous (3,2)-groups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 205-208
Celakoski N., Janeva B., Vector valued associatives, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 15-21
Čupona G., Markovski S., Janeva B., Post Theorems for Vector Valued Semigroups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 33-46
Čupona G., Dimovski D., Samardžiski A: Fully commutative vector valued groups, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje,VIII 2 (1987), 5-17
Dimovski D., Free (n+1, n)-groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced.Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje 1988, 103-122
Dimovski D., Trenčevski K., One-dimensional (4,2)-Lie groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje 1988, 91-102
Dimovski D., Ilić S., Commutative (2m, m)-groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje 1988, 79-90
Stojmenovski K., Homotopy and congruences of generalized quasigroups, Mat. Bilt. SDM SRM, 11-12 (37-38)(1987-1988), 23-27
Trenčevski K., Some examples of fully commutative vector valued groups, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, IX 1-2 (1988), 27-37
Celakoski N., Markovski S., Janeva B., Some classes of vector valued associatives, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje (1988), 123-140
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Markovski S., Dimovski D., Vector valued groupoids, semigroups and groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje (1988), 1-78
Čupona G., Markovski S., Dimovski D., Janeva B., Introduction to combinatorial theory of vector valued semigroups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje (1988), 141-183
Dimovski D., Ilić S., Free commutative (2m, m)-groups, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 13 (39) (1989), 25-34
Dimovski D., Trenčevski K.: Nonexistence of continuous (4,3)-groups over R, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Sarajevo, 1987; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1989), 49-57
Markovski S., Janeva B., Post and Hossu’-Gluskin theorem for vector valued groups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Sarajevo 1987; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1989), 77-88
Čupona, Celakoski N., Multidimensional associatives, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 13 (39) (1989), 5-14
Čupona, Markovski S., Polyadic operations induced by semigroups, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 13 (39) (1989), 15-24
Čupona, Samardžiski A., Celakoski N., Fully commutative vector valued groupoids, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Sarajevo 1987; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1989), 29-41
Dimovski D., Ilić S., Free (2m, m)-groups, Znanstvena Revija (Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Maribor 1989), Maribor, No.1, Year 2, (1990), 29-40
Janeva B., Free fully commutative vector valued groups, Znanstvena Revija (Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Maribor 1989), Maribor No.1, Year 2, (1990), 75-86
Trpenovski B., Rectangular 2-bands, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 14 (XL) (1990), 39-47
Čupona, Celakoski N., Transformations of Booleans, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 14 (XL) (1990), 15-26
Čupona, Markovski S., Vector valued groupoids induced by varieties of semigroups, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 14 (XL) (1990), 27-38
Kalajdžievski S., Subalgebras of distributive and commutative semigroups, Год. збор. Матем.фак, 32, (1981), 53-57
Markovski S., n-Subgroupoids of cancellative groupoids, Год. збор. Матем.фак, 32, (1981), 45-51
Čupona G., Stojakoviċ Z., Ušan J., On finite multiquasigroups, Publications de l'Institute Mathematique, Nouvelle serie, tome 29 (43), (1981), 53-59
Čupona G., Crvenkoviċ S., Vojvodiċ G., Subalgebras of commutative semigroups satisfying the law xr = xr+m, Zbor. rad. PMF Novi Sad, Vol. 11, (1981), 217-230
Čupona G., n-Subsemigroups of some commutative semigroups, Год. збор. Матем.фак, 32, (1981), 32-36
Janeva B., Word problem for n-groups, Proceed. of the symposium n-ary structures, Skopje (1982), 157-159
Kalajdžievski S., Subalgebras of distributive semigroups, Proceed. of the symposium n-ary structures, Skopje (1982), 223-228
Kržovski P., The maximal semilattice decomposition of an n-semigroup, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad; 1981 (1982), 27-32
Kržovski P., On commutative n-semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 141-148
Markovski S., n-subsemigroups of cancellative semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 149-156
Trpenovski B., Commutative semigroups with n-property, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 117-124
Trpenovski B., Semigroups with n-properties, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981; (1982), 7-12
Celakoski N.: Compatible subassociatives, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981; (1982), 107-111
Čupona G., Markovski S., Polynomial subalgebras, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981; (1982), 1-6
Čupona G., Vojvodić G., Crvenković S., Subalgebras of Abelian Torsion Groups, Algebraic Conference, Novi Sad 1981;(1982), 141-148
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Representations of unary algebras in unars, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, III 2 (1982), 7-12
Чупона Ѓ., Проширувања на алгебарски структури, Пристапни предавања, MANU, Skopje, 1982, 249-277
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Samardziski A.: Post theorems for unary algebras, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 71-84
Čupona G., Crvenković S., Vojvodić G., Representations of semigroups of operations in semigroups of left translations, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Skopje 1982, 209-222
Bogdanović S., Kržovski P., Protić P., Trpenovski B., Bi- and quasi-ideal semigroups with n-property, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 27-34
Dimovski D., Some existence conditions for vector valued groups, God. zbor. Mat. fak. Skopje, 33-34 (1982-83), 99-103
Kalajdžievski S.: Embedding of algebras in distributive semigroups, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 77-83
Kalajdžievski S.: Embedding unoids in semigroups belonging to some regular varieties of semigroups, God. zbor. Mat. fak. Skopje, 33-34 (1982-83), 77-83
Markovski S.: n-subsemigroups of semigroups with neutral properties, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 99-102
Markovski S., n-subgroupoids of commutative groupoids, Prilozi MANU -Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, IV/1 (1983), 95-99
Ušan J., Stojmenovski K.: On a quasi-identity in n-ary quasigroups, Proc. Third Alg. Conf. Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 155-157
Čupona G., A set of semigroup n-varieties, Proc. Third Algebraic Conference Beograd 1982; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1983, 59-66
Čupona G., Markovski S, Janeva B., The problem of solvability of polylinear representations of universal algebras in semigroups, God. zbor. Mat. fak. Skopje, 33-34 (1982-83), 63-68 Also: Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 65-70
Čupona G., On semigroups of operations, Prilozi MANU: Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, IV 1 (1983), 43-47
Čupona G.: Vector valued semigroups, Semigroup forum, Vol. 26 (1983), 65-74
Kalajdžievski S., Some proper quasivarieties of subalgebras of semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 171-175
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Embeddings of associatives in semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 71-78
Čupona., Markovski S., Crvenković S., Vojvodić G., Subalgebras of cancellative semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 49-64
Čupona G., Markovski S, Janeva B., The problem of solvability of polylinear representations of universal algebras in semigroups, Proc. Symp. n-ary Structures, Varna 1983; Center of Applied Math. (1984), 65-70
Dimovski D., Examples of vector valued groups, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, VI 2 (1985), 105-114
Janeva B., Some connections between finite separability property of an n-semigroup and its universal covering, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, (1985), 63-67
Kržovski P., Semilattices of simple n-semigroups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, (1985), 83-88
Celakoski N., Ilić S., A note on invariant n-subgroups of n-groups, Proc. of the Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, (1985), 21-27
Čupona G., Dimovski D., On a class of vector valued groups, Proc. of the Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Zagreb 1984; Novi Sad Institute of Mathematics, 1985, 29-37
Čupona G., Markovski S., Cohn-Rebane Theorem for vector valued algebras, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, VI 2 (1985), 143-149
Целакоски Н., Чупона Ѓ., Векторско вредносни алгебарски структури, 5. Konferencija "Algebra i Logika" (Zbornik rezimea pregledno predavanje), Cetinje 12-14 jun 1986, str. 2-7
Čupona G., Markovski S., Vector valued subgroupoids of semigroups, Prilozi MANU - Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, VII 2 (1986), 5-12
Dimovski D.: Free vector valued semigroups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 55-62
Dimovski D., On (3, 2)-groups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), p. 63-71
Kržovski P., Some chracterizations of n-bands, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 107-114
Trenčevski K., A note on non-existence for some classes of continuous (3,2)-groups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 205-208
Celakoski N., Janeva B., Vector valued associatives, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 15-21
Čupona G., Markovski S., Janeva B., Post Theorems for Vector Valued Semigroups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Cetinje 1986; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1987), 33-46
Čupona G., Dimovski D., Samardžiski A: Fully commutative vector valued groups, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje,VIII 2 (1987), 5-17
Dimovski D., Free (n+1, n)-groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced.Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje 1988, 103-122
Dimovski D., Trenčevski K., One-dimensional (4,2)-Lie groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje 1988, 91-102
Dimovski D., Ilić S., Commutative (2m, m)-groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje 1988, 79-90
Stojmenovski K., Homotopy and congruences of generalized quasigroups, Mat. Bilt. SDM SRM, 11-12 (37-38)(1987-1988), 23-27
Trenčevski K., Some examples of fully commutative vector valued groups, Prilozi MANU-Oddel. za mat.-teh. nauki, Skopje, IX 1-2 (1988), 27-37
Celakoski N., Markovski S., Janeva B., Some classes of vector valued associatives, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje (1988), 123-140
Čupona G., Celakoski N., Markovski S., Dimovski D., Vector valued groupoids, semigroups and groups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje (1988), 1-78
Čupona G., Markovski S., Dimovski D., Janeva B., Introduction to combinatorial theory of vector valued semigroups, Vector Valued Semigroups and Groups, Maced. Acad. of Sci. and Arts, Skopje (1988), 141-183
Dimovski D., Ilić S., Free commutative (2m, m)-groups, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 13 (39) (1989), 25-34
Dimovski D., Trenčevski K.: Nonexistence of continuous (4,3)-groups over R, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Sarajevo, 1987; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1989), 49-57
Markovski S., Janeva B., Post and Hossu’-Gluskin theorem for vector valued groups, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Sarajevo 1987; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1989), 77-88
Čupona, Celakoski N., Multidimensional associatives, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 13 (39) (1989), 5-14
Čupona, Markovski S., Polyadic operations induced by semigroups, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 13 (39) (1989), 15-24
Čupona, Samardžiski A., Celakoski N., Fully commutative vector valued groupoids, Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic" Sarajevo 1987; Novi Sad: Institute of Mathematics, (1989), 29-41
Dimovski D., Ilić S., Free (2m, m)-groups, Znanstvena Revija (Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Maribor 1989), Maribor, No.1, Year 2, (1990), 29-40
Janeva B., Free fully commutative vector valued groups, Znanstvena Revija (Proc. Conf. "Algebra and Logic", Maribor 1989), Maribor No.1, Year 2, (1990), 75-86
Trpenovski B., Rectangular 2-bands, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 14 (XL) (1990), 39-47
Čupona, Celakoski N., Transformations of Booleans, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 14 (XL) (1990), 15-26
Čupona, Markovski S., Vector valued groupoids induced by varieties of semigroups, Mat. Bilten SDM SRM, 14 (XL) (1990), 27-38
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