Mатематички Билтен
About Matematichki Bilten (abbreviated as Mat. Bilten) is the successor of BILTEN NA DRUSTVATA NA MATEMATIČARITE I FIZIČARITE OD SR MAKEDONIJA. It is the oldest Macedonian mathematical journal, published by the Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia. It was founded by the Union of Mathematicians and Physicists of Macedonia in 1950. Since 1977 it is indexed as Matematichki Bilten (Mat. Bilten). The quality of the journal is guaranteed by prominent members of the Editorial Board. Aims and Scope Matematichki Bilten publishes original research papers and review articles, covering the following areas of pure and applied mathematics: analysis, algebra, topology, applied differential geometry and applications in gravitation, approximation theory, graph theory, differential equations and dynamical systems, mathematical optimization, applied probability theory and mathematical statistics, especially applications in finance and modeling. Any paper that is submitted for publication in the journal must be original and correct. The journal receives the papers with the understanding that they have not been previously published and are not considered for publication elsewhere. There are no publication charges. Papers must be written in English. Publication frequency Appears twice a year since 2013. |
Editorial Board:
Instructions for authors
Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published elsewhere, nor is presently submitted elsewhere, and that all persons listed as authors have given their approval for the submission of the paper. Mat. Bilten employs single-blind reviewing, in which the reviewer is unknown to the author, but the identity of the author is known to the reviewer. The Editors' decision to accept or to reject a manuscript will be sent promptly to the author, with suitably detailed explanations within 3 months of the submission. European Mathematical Society Ethics Committee Indexing and abstracting: Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet) Zentralblatt fur Mathematik Реферативный журнал "Математика" EBSCO Open Access Policy This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Mat. Bilten is distributed mainly through exchange and is sent to institutions and scientific societies willing to send in exchange other publications to the Institute of Mathematics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Mathematics, Skopje. Journal Contact / Mailing Address Articles being submitted for publication in the Journal should be sent in pdf format to the following address:
Sojuz na matematičari na Makedonija Arhimedova 3, 1000 Skopje Republic of North Macedonia In the case of printed version, the author should keep a complete copy of the paper as well. |
Initial submission (manuscript for review).
The submission file MUST be a single PDF created from LaTeX source (avoid false converting software!) prepared according to the journal's LaTeX template. Mat.Bilten (Latex template) Mat.Bilten (template pdf view) The manuscript should be no longer than 25 pages and contain the following elements:
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